Have you ever received prayer for healing or deliverance and nothing seemed to happen or you were healed only to lose your healing or deliverance a short time later? In this book we search out answers from God’s Word to reveal things that can hinder healing. There are clear cut answers from God’s Word to show how to overcome roadblocks to healing or deliverance.
Now also available as an eBook on Amazon Kindle!
Please feel free to READ CHAPTER TWO of this book for free before your purchase.
Have you ever received prayer for healing or deliverance and nothing seemed to happen or you were healed only to lose your healing or deliverance a short time later? In this book we search out answers from God’s Word to reveal things that can hinder healing. There are clear cut answers from God’s Word to show how to overcome roadblocks to healing or deliverance.
We explore major hindrances to miracles and healings. Many people in the West do not realize just how much Greek Philosophy influences their everyday walk and belief system when it comes to healings and miracles.
In this book we explore what was Paul’s Thorn in the flesh with scriptures and also examine the view that had it roots in Greek Philosophy. How to properly stand for healing, a miracle or deliverance is addressed. The final two chapters show how people like you and I overcame huge roadblocks to their healing. You to can overcome the roadblocks to healing.
“Mark Anderson knows what he is writing about. He has lived it and continues to preach the message of healing and freedom throughout the world. Here in this book he makes it simple and shows you how to bring healing into your own life. This is a great contribution to the Body of Christ…”
-Harold R. Eberle
President Worldcast Ministries and Publishing -Yakima, WA
“Mark Anderson has done a very thorough and excellent job with his new book, “Overcoming Roadblocks to Healing.” Why is there such continual confusion and uncertainty concerning God’s will for healing? Is healing the will of God for everyone? If healing is God’s will, shouldn’t it just take place automatically? Are there variables that can affect the will of God from coming to pass in your life?
These and many more questions are answered from the Scriptures in Overcoming Roadblocks to Healing. Take time to read it through carefully with your Bible close by; you will discover and become confident that healing is for you!”
-Steve C. Shank – www.SteveCShank.com
Boulder, CO – Pastor, Teacher, and Author of Schizophrenic God? Finding Reality in Conflict, Confusion, and Contradiction
“Some books are written from the lofty heights of academia, while others are written from the trenches of real life. This book is not based in theory, but on reality. Mark has lived between the ecstasy of seeing miracle healings, and the agony of those who were not healed. This book Overcoming Road Blocks to Healing will act as a personal guide to help you overcome the barriers to healing.”
-Pastor J.R. Polhemus
Castle Rock, CO – Pastor, The Rock
Overcoming Roadblocks to Healing is an outstanding practical guide for those who are struggling to understand why healing does not come or last. At times, you may think the prayer of faith has failed or that you have done something to cause your sickness or pain to return. You may not know what to do next. I have been praying for the sick for many years. I have seen God do mighty things when praying for someone one time and then not see any results when praying for someone else another time. I have experienced victories and defeats in my own healing ministry and struggled at times with the mystery of why some do not get healed.
I believe Mark provides key insights from Scripture to help those who come against roadblocks in their healing. He not only offers strategy to get your healing, but gives personal experience where he has struggled to be healed or at times lost his healing. He tells you the truth about his struggle and the victory of overcoming his roadblocks to healing.
Mark exposes the lies that have caused believers to deny that healing exists or that it is not for today. He reveals the influence of Greek thought on our Western Christianity, which has caused a false belief that suffering and illness are the will of God for our lives. This misunderstanding has caused many to doubt that God can heal and their unwillingness to seek healing for their illness. Mark emphasizes that the truth of God’s Word is the standard for which we should put our faith in. He stresses the need for believers to renew their minds by aligning thoughts and beliefs with the Word of God.
I believe this book should be read by every believer, especially those who need healing. It is a tremendous resource for those who have not walked in the healing ministry, to be aware of roadblocks in people’s lives to healing. Thank you, Mark, for providing such a wonderful book that will help the church understand how to overcome the roadblocks to healing.
If you would like to upload this book on your Amazon Kindle please click here.
Miracles and healings do not have to be rare in the life of any Spirit-filled believer. Understand your God-given authority and partner with the Holy Spirit. Christ defeated demons! You can enforce what He accomplished 2,000 years ago. Sometimes faith is a fight. Learn how to stand for what rightfully belongs to you in Christ. Learn how your words shape and affect the way you live your life. You can create an atmosphere conducive for the Holy Spirit to move in power. You can affect the invisible realm releasing Christ’s healing power in this physical realm.
America’s foundation has been eroding at a rapid pace. One major reason for this eroding is we forgot our godly heritage and history. There is a disconnect between the average Christian and politics. How did this occur? In this book Mark shares how we can restore this great land. If Christians ignore the political realm, diabolical evil, like marxism, atheism, perversion sets itself up to fill that void.
Learn about your God-given authority, also how to recognize religious traditions of man that have kept believers powerless and avoid them. God is not the author of both good and evil? Does God bring calamities on mankind? Extreme sovereignty versus using your authority! Learn how to operate with your God-given authority to release the miracle working power of Christ.
“This book helps you navigate your life between blatant pride and false humility helping you recognize what true humility looks like…The book is like a diamond in that humility is the diamond, Mark helps us see all the various facets of the diamond, and there were many, all of which I found very helpful… This is the best book I have ever read on humility, reveals the importance of humility’s relationship to spiritual breakthrough, and revival.”
– Randy Clark – Author and Founder of Global Awakening