How big is your Jesus? How big or small your revelation of Jesus is in every area of your life, will determine the quality of life you live. Your revelation of Jesus, who He is and what He can do through and for you, is key to success in life and ministry. In this book you will learn how to get Jesus BIG in every area of your life. To get Him big in your life comes down to what and who you focus on.
Also available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle eBook formats!
How big is your Jesus? How big or small your revelation of Jesus is in every area of your life, will determine the quality of life you live. Your revelation of Jesus, who He is and what He can do through and for you, is key to success in life and ministry. In this book you will learn how to get Jesus BIG in every area of your life. To get Him big in your life comes down to what and who you focus on.
“This book helps you navigate your life between blatant pride and false humility helping you recognize what true humility looks like…The book is like a diamond in that humility is the diamond, Mark helps us see all the various facets of the diamond, and there were many, all of which I found very helpful… This is the best book I have ever read on humility, reveals the importance of humility’s relationship to spiritual breakthrough, and revival.”
– Randy Clark – Author and Founder of Global Awakening
Jesus warned His close disciples, of the negative fruit of the religious spirit. How much more do we need to heed the Master’s warning today and guard our hearts from an ungodly religious attitude or religious spirit? This is a study of Mark 7:1-13!
Are you motivated to go somewhere in life? Having concise purpose, vision and goals will help you conquer the mountains that stand in your way. See and experience the motivating force of purpose in your life.
Religion or Relationship: Which One Do You Want? teaches what is the difference between religion or the religious spirit versus relationship. It also teaches about coming out of man made boxes and how to live a life of integrity and humility where the glory of God will manifest in signs, wonders and miracles. This is a sequel to my book Humility: the Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders.