Restoring America’s Christian Heritage and the Damaging Effect of the Religious Spirit in Politics
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An Important History Lesson Part I
July 9, 1755 was a crucial day in USA history. Our fragile nation hung in the balance. It was during the French and Indian War that a 23 year old colonel was fighting alongside the British commanding 100 men from Virginia. This man was a strong believer and follower of Christ. When marching to the enemy fort, Fort Duquesne (now the city of Pittsburgh) they were ambushed. The French had Indian snipers who were hidden in the woods, rocks and logs who were ordered to shoot and kill all the mounted officers so that the rest would be massacred or flee. Their plan worked and most of the army was wiped out with many more wounded in this battle. This young colonel bravely rode up and down the battle lines risking his life. He was shot at 17 times by expert marksmen, one of whom claimed he never missed. When word got back to Fort Cumberland that is was a massacre, hope was lost. They heard this young officer was dead.
Eight days later on July 17, 1755 this young colonel and all his troops arrived back to Fort Cumberland unharmed. Here are the words of this young colonel “I now exist and appear in the land of the living by the miraculous care of Providence that protected me beyond all human expectation.” He recounted how after battle he took off his vest. There were four bullet holes in his vest and not a one penetrated his body. Horses were shot out from under him, yet he survived.
This young colonel was quoted as saying “I have only been an instrument in the hands of Providence.” Word spread quickly of this young officer and of God’s (Providence) intervention in this battle. Rev. Samuel Davies was considered to be the best preacher of those days. He began to share of this divine moment in our nation’s history. As result the first Great Awakening hit the shores of America and revival broke out. This story of God’s intervention was taught in our public schools for next 150 years until those who wanted God removed from our history were able to remove it from our history books.
In 1770 the old warrior chief who shot at him and told his young warriors to also shoot at him in that battle, had a chance to meet this colonel. This chief after seeing many shots taken at him to no avail, told his warriors to stop shooting. Here is what he said about that day. “I have traveled a long and weary path that I might see the young warrior of the great battle. (I am) come to pay homage to the man who is the particular favorite of Heaven, and who (can) never die in battle.”
This chief also prophesied and said “I am come to pay homage to the man who is the particular favorite of Heaven, who can never die in battle. Who in one day will lead a great nation.” And just who is this man? The first president of the USA, George Washington.
Many who want to rewrite our history have called this president and most of our early founders deists. What is a deist? A deist is very similar to an agnostic, someone who believes in God but believes He is far removed from the daily affairs of man. Sad to say many Christians have brought into those lies by getting their information from prejudiced sources, people bent on getting God out of our country and politics. Two excellent books that refute George Washington being a deist are George Washington’s Sacred Fire by Peter A. Lillback (National Best Seller -1187 pages) and David Barton’s easy to read mini book America’s Godly Heritage. You can order David Barton’s book from our website.
Many because of the continuous effort of those who are trying to erase or distort our Christian history do not know how the Declaration of Independence and US Constitution came about. There existed tremendous contention among the forefathers as they penned the Constitution so Ben Franklin, a strong believer called a prayer meeting. The Constitution came about from days of prayer and seeking the face of God. President John Adams one the signers said “The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.”
When George Washington became our first president, as he was sworn in, he placed his hand on the Bible and said “So help me God.” From there he immediately along with many other framers of the Constitution went down to what is today ground zero in New York City and had a prayer meeting at St. Paul’s Chapel to give our infant nation over to the care of Almighty God. This great nation we love, came about when godly men sought God’s face in prayer. George Washington wanted to continue that practice when he became our first president. By the way St. Paul’s Chapel withstood the 9/11 attacks and still stands today as a symbol of our great Christian history.
Looking at America today, who is to blame for all the turmoil and chaos spreading within the country? I personally believe we preachers, pastors, priests and Christians are to blame. It is almost like we have taken for granted what our godly forefathers passed on to us and shed their blood for. I’m a part of that. Before you get mad at me hear me out. The ministers in the late 1700′s were called the Black Robe Regiment by the British. The British saw the American pulpit largely responsible for the American independence and government. They were courageous and patriotic. They greatly influenced and made this nation so great. They trained soldiers for the military during the time of the revolutionary war. The British targeted these ministers more than any others because of their great influence.
Today most Christians and ministers love a non-confrontational lifestyle at all cost. But on the other hand the Apostle Paul talking about the last days said Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution ( 2 Timothy 3:12). There are many promises in the Bible that we like to claim. I’m sure not too many want to claim this one. I tend to believe we will not have a choice in the days to come. We need to stand for something or we will fall for nothing. I am all for peace, the blessings and claiming the promises of God but there will be times we will be confronted to make a stand and go against the grain like our early founders did if we want to take this nation back for Christ from evil men and women controlled by demons. They want to rid our country of God and will do anything in their power to reach this demonic goal. The religious spirit seeks to comply and blend in when we are called to make a strong stand for Christ. Don’t give in!
It was mostly clergy who were responsible for the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The first amendment reads “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Please notice there are no words in the amendment such as separation, church or state. The reason for this amendment was so there would be no state religion like England had but on the contrary people were free to worship and believe in God as they desired. This spoke how our country was founded, much more on relationship with God than religion. For 175 years America followed and embraced this amendment in our schools and throughout society. Eventually America bought into a lie in 1947 that said there is a separation of church and state. I will show you just how much damage this produced in America. I believe we, with true Christlike humility (and not what society thinks is humility) can take back this nation. Let me share with you why I make these statements. First we will look at true and also at false humility, then the separation of church state lie and how it has caused this nation to go down a dark slippery slope.
If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14). The word humble means to get low or be in a bowed position. The George Washington painting at Valley Forge portrays this probably the best. He was a leader totally dependent on God, who was given to much prayer. He knew what it was to get low and serve this great nation.
This simple verse holds the key to America’s future. Which way will America go? First of all notice God says “if my people.” Notice he does not say if the Democrats, Republicans, the president, progressives, atheists, Muslims, Satanists or the ungodly repent. “If my people!” The first thing He says to do is HUMBLE THEMSELVES. I believe there is reason the humbling comes first. Without true humility the prayers, the seeking His face and healing of the land and other things do not fully take place.
Though the LORD is on high, Yet He regards the lowly; But the proud He knows from afar (Psalms 138:6). Without humility lasting change does not come to the land. Once we posture ourselves in humility then comes the praying, seeking His face and turning from our wicked ways. Notice the outcome, a direct line from heaven to earth is open. Heaven comes to invade earth. Our sins are forgiven and our land is healed. Not only is it healed but it becomes a place where miracles, healings, signs and wonders can take place on a regular basis like it did for the early founders of this country.
Greek Philosophy and Western Christianity
With Christlike humility in mind let’s look at the negative influence Greek philosophy has had in western Christianity. When Greek philosophy became intermingled with our western form of Christianity it brought about a false humility and taught us poverty is a byproduct of humility, that we should desire. It also began to shape most Christians and the world’s thought of what it was to be humble. Many think humility is someone who is insecure, timid, shy, weak, simple minded, not influential, someone who will not accomplish much in this life time, etc. Why? Because their focus is mostly the spiritual realm and the afterlife.
By humility and fear [Hebrew: reverence] of the Lord are riches, honor, and life (Proverbs 22:4). Christlike humility brings the byproduct of riches, not poverty or a poverty mindset of accomplishing very little in life. Christlike humility has the ability to attract wealth, not for the sake of being wealth consumers but wealth generators for the sake of expanding the Kingdom of God. We have a choice to either believe religious tradition or the Bible. Which will you embrace?
How the Poverty Mindset Originated
Much of western Christianity was and still is greatly influenced by Greek philosophy starting around 400A.D. with Augustine, who was a Greek scholar. Some of it has been passed right down to present day Christianity and our western way of thinking. Much of it is religious traditions of man, making the Word of God of no effect (see Mark 7:13). It affects our Christian belief system negatively and goes completely against true biblical teaching. The belief that “the poorer you are, the humbler you are” has much deeper roots than many could ever imagine, and it has affected the Body of Christ and nations in such a detrimental way. As followers of Christ, we need to impact areas of family, government, media, entertainment, education, business, and much more if we are to make disciples and impact nations. If we operate from a poverty mindset we will not accomplish much in life.
The Greek philosopher Plato taught that there was a distinct separation between the spirit world and the physical world. I personally do not buy into this! Augustine was greatly influenced by Plato and Greek Philosophy. He studied in depth Neoplatonism, the reworking of Plato’s philosophy.
During the Dark Ages, some Church leaders took oaths of poverty and chastity (abstinence from sex) because they believed (as many do today) they had to separate the spiritual from the physical world. They also believed in asceticism (physical suffering) and gnosticism that said if something felt good it could not be of God. That is the reason for oaths of poverty, chastity and asceticism, to be more spiritual. Other gnostics (agnostics or deists) focused on the physical world and, because they believed God was so far away, uninvolved in our lives and people could never get close to Him, they said, “Go ahead; eat, drink, and be merry. If it feels good do it!”
Neither way of thinking is biblical. In creation God made it all good, both the physical and spiritual realms. For Jesus and the early Church Jews, there was no separation of the spirit and the physical realm. They did not just focus on spiritual things. There was no secular/sacred divide. Work, worship, being involved in politics, and even sexual relations between a husband and wife are both spiritual, mental and physical, and they are good if do not separate the two realms like Plato and Augustine did.
Governments and the physical realm need to be impacted for and by Christ or nations will fall to the ones with evil plans. We cannot impact governments with a poverty mindset and false humility that listens to the advice of the ungodly. The ungodly political leaders, along with the bought for media, Hollywood and our present legal system tell us, “There is a separation of church and state, so Christians should not be involved in politics.” Many Christians, especially ministers, buy into that lie.
Augustine focused mostly on the spiritual because that is what Greek philosophy taught was reality. Greek Philosophy taught the spiritual realm does have preeminence over the physical realm. This is true! But do not go so far as to separate the two realms like Greek philosophy and Augustine taught us to do.
Hosea 4:6 says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Jesus never taught about a separation of the spiritual and physical realms. Nor is there a separation of church and state in the constitution or in the first Amendment of the United States. When we minister from our pulpits, saying that we should just keep everything spiritual, we keep the Body of Christ from impacting government and legislation. This is a poverty or religious spirit mindset at work. It keeps us from influencing society with the various giftings that God has put in the Church. The destruction of America or any society follows as Christians avoid impacting the physical realm, government, legislation, business, and the public square.
The religious spirit drives many Christians to think that if something is not spiritual, then it really cannot be from God. Contrary to Greek philosophy and what Augustine modeled there is no separation between the spiritual realm and physical realm. God wants the spiritual realm to be invading the physical realm. But if the Christians are trying to be super spiritual and trying to avoid the physical, we will never partner with the Holy Spirit and enable Him to (through us) invade the physical realm. Christ needs vessels to impact the various realms of society. We have to get outside the church walls to do this. We really can walk in the spirit and still impact the physical, while relating to and working in the physical realm.
The Separation of Church and State Lie
David Barton in his book America’s Godly Heritage brings out how America has drifted from it’s Godly Heritage. For 175 years there was no separation of church and state. Then in 1947 a court ruling was made where a part of President Thomas Jefferson’s letter to the Danbury Baptists in 1802 was completely twisted and taken out of context in a court of law to say the exact opposite of what Jefferson and the First Amendment says and even worse the American public believed it. It ended up bringing in what we know of today as “the separation of church and state” lie. From there America starting going down a dark path believing a lie. Little by little getting God out of the equation and government more into being the answer.
Dr. William James (the father of Modern Psychology) said “There is nothing so absurd but if you repeat it often enough people will believe it.” That’s exactly what happened with insertion of the separation of Church and State lie in 1947.
An excellent book on how the Separation of Church and State came about is Ten Tortured Words by Stephen Mansfield. In 1947 a God-hating judge who worked at one time as lawyer for the Klu Klux Klan brought about the ruling on separation of church and state that many quote today. This happened because of false humility, while the church fell asleep and just stuck to its own little corner, so as not to rock the boat.
Today the modern day courts often quote the 1947 court ruling (separation of church and state) rather than abide by the Constitution. Many generations since have been brought up believing a lie because it has been repeated so often. David Barton states that at that time “only three percent of Americans professed no belief in religion… Ninety seven percent did believe. Yet the court ruled and the three percent becomes the standard by which the rest of the nation (i.e.. the ninety seven percent) must conduct its public affairs.” The 3% began to slowly decimate our Christian heritage once they were given power, to create a huge divide in America, where now Christian principles are frowned on and it has progressed unchecked since then.
Realize when our government begins to muzzle the Christian voice and then it gets to the point the Christian view is no longer welcome in government we are heading into perilous times. This becomes the place where our religious rights will be stripped away and we will be forced by government to do things contrary to our Christian beliefs. It’s already here! We have to wake up and rise up. That is not what America was founded on. We need to quit letting the minority (the God haters) dictate to us what this country should be like, all because we take what we perceive to be humility, a backseat in politics and let evil call the shots.
Now bring in the mindset of Greek philosophy into western Christianity with a distortion of what true humility is. Rather than take a courageous stand against the 1947 Separation of Church and State and 1962 removal of prayer court rulings, and what the government is doing today, ministers and Christians said we just need to be humble and focus on spiritual things. Over the years I have heard ministers say we should not get involved with politics because after all there is a separation of church and state and it might also affect our tax exempt status. By the way the tax exempt status was President Lyndon B. Johnson’s doing in 1954 so he would get the church off his back and win in a corrupt election process. His tax exempt status scare has never been carried out even when brave pastors broke that law in recent years.
Congressman and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is a strong believer in Christ who has gleaned much from David Barton. He wants to do away with the 1954 Johnson law so Christian ministers can have a voice in government once again. He needs a Republican President to make this a reality. Donald Trump if elected President in 2016 said he will do his best to reverse this law, to once again give ministers a voice in government. The impact of this decision could end up being seen and felt around the world in a very positive way and greatly impact the end time harvest of souls.
Where is our backbone? This is not the courage Jesus displayed, nor our early forefathers who shed their blood to give us this great nation. Jesus said “I am humble.” He was and still is HUMILITY IN IT’S PUREST FORM. He was told not to go to Jerusalem after He raised Lazarus from the dead because the religious leaders wanted to kill Him. What did he do? Conform to these wicked leaders so as not to rock the boat? Did he just give into political correctness. No! He boldly went to Jerusalem knowing he would be arrested, tried and killed by these religious leaders.
The byproduct of Christlike Humility is COURAGE! The German word for Humility is DEMUT. It literally means humility and serving with courage. A brave German Lutheran minister by the name of Dietrich Bonhoeffer made this quote “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Because of his Christlike humility and courage he made a strong stand against the Nazi aggression in World War II and paid for that stand with his life. Great is his reward!
Who does not like living a comfortable lifestyle? I do! We have to be willing though to come out of our comfort zones when needed and stand up for justice and truth to prevail in this country once again. That means getting active to make a difference in this country. Be a voice for positive change even if the masses mock you.
Do you know how the word ‘politically correct’ came about? Bruce Porter is his book 9/11 Target shares how it started. Quoting from Bruce’s book “political correctness” flourished during Josef Stalin’s Marxist dictatorship in Russia to denote one who heels to the Communist Party line. The term was originally minted by a party hack named Leon Trotsky to refer to the “useful idiots” who mindlessly conformed to the Bolshevik Party line. This rotting corpse was revived in the 1960s. New Progressive “community organizers” who imagined themselves as intrepid revolutionaries following in the steps of dictators and genocidal maniacs like Ernesto “Che” Guevara, Fidel Castro, and “Chairman” Mao. Under Josef Stalin’s brutal regime, anyone who dared express an opinion differing from the “Party,” or Comrade Stalin personally, could expect an unpleasant terminal experience before a firing squad or permanent exile to the mines of Siberia.”
In recent years around this world many have died because of political correctness and if it is not dealt with soon sad to say many more innocent men, women and children will die. Do you notice for the most part how people who hate God, hate Christianity or are atheists are the ones who tote this political correctness theme? Look at many governments today. There is a diabolical scheme to remove Christianity from the USA and many other nations by controlling leaders with political correctness. It is sad that many Christians do not have the courage, backbone or desire to rock the boat, and instead allow their national leaders to for the most part to slowly remove God from the public square. If these governments did it too fast people would rise up. But they keep doing it slowly so they can keep plodding along until we are like the frog in pot, and after time the water is boiling hot and then it is too late.
One of our early founders, Patrick Henry said “Give me liberty or give me death.” What has happened to the bravery, courage and yes the humility of our early forefathers who were willing to speak up for what was truth and willing to die for their beliefs in freedom, faith and liberty? They took a stand for something and handed us a great nation. Most people in this generation have stood for nothing in politics and may fall for anything unless we turn this ship around. There is a diabolical evil that wants believers to keep quiet so they can take control of this nation and eventually the world.
The influence of a religious spirit and an introduction to Greek philosophy, separating the spiritual from the physical has done great damage to our country. Augustine and John Calvin’s teachings have brought about passivity in the Body of Christ. It has caused many in ministry to cower to political correctness in the pulpits, which eventually spreads into the church, then the family and now society. The ungodly succeed because they are PROACTIVE and most Christians are only reactive. ‘Whatever will be will be’ attitude when it come to politics. Many do not react until the ship is sinking or has sunk when it comes to politics, education, business, arts and entertainment, media, etc. That is when it is too late. Will we rise up and get proactive or continue to cave to political correctness in politics and in our churches? Will we stand by and watch America decline and let the ungodly control our society and eventually the world?
One problem we face in our country that greatly hinders proper government from being elected is a self righteous attitude amongst Christians in the country. It keeps us divided rather than uniting to make our voice heard. It also keeps Christianity from properly influencing society.
Speaking as a conservative and an evangelical, I will give you an example of a religious spirit and self righteousness at work during the 2012 election. A lot of conservatives are bound by what we call a religious spirit when it come to politics. How? Over 30 million evangelicals did not vote in the 2012 election. One evangelist bound by a religious spirit did not like either candidate in the 2012 election so his goal was to get one million people who would write in votes for Jesus instead. The election was decided by less than 2 million votes. Jesus was not running and those religious votes of self righteousness were for naught. The wicked laugh at such stupidity, which helped hand them the country.
Don’t complain if you do not like what you see in D.C., if you did not vote. You are part of the problem. A religious spirit like this evangelist had are part of the problem that is taking our country downhill into moral decline because they did not consider voting to limit evil.
Edmund Burke said “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” He also said “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.”
Many evangelicals are looking for a Pastor in Chief and not a Commander in Chief. They do not see the bigger picture. Don’t forget that the USA is only 25% evangelical Christian. So we need to learn to get together with people who might not see eye to eye with us. That is where humility and the need for unity comes in. That does not mean we compromise our morals. Keep in mind we love the sinner but hate sin just like Jesus (see John 8:1-11). If the evangelicals would simply put aside the arrogance, self righteousness, religious spirit and attitude that is it all about our needs we can end up with a great country and get something done. 25% of the country with the same focus can greatly impact this nation for the better.
We better unite Conservative Evangelicals or we get the country of our arrogant or apathetic actions when we have the power to make a difference in this nation. In this 2016 election the choice is clear. Hillary Clinton will take us further away from Christ and appoint ungodly supreme court justices. Donald Trump, though far from perfect will restore many Christian values and appoint conservative God fearing, America loving judges to the supreme court. This is so very crucial to what becomes the law of the land. A religious spirit will keep a Christian from voting for the right leaders to govern our country.
Many Democrats like President Obama and Hillary Clinton were greatly inspired by Saul Alinsky. Who was this man? He hated Christianity and shortly before his death said in a Playboy Magazine interview if there is an afterlife, and I have anything to say about it, I will unreservedly choose to go to hell. Playboy Magazine: Why? ALINSKY: Hell would be heaven for me. All my life I’ve been with the have-nots. Over here, if you’re a have-not, you’re short of dough. If you’re a have-not in hell, you’re short of virtue. Once I get into hell, I’ll start organizing the have-nots over there. Not long after this interview he passed away in 1972, only 63 years old.
Alinsky’s most famous work, Rules for Radicals was published in 1971. It talks about how to overthrow our republic and use chaos and never to let a good crisis go to waste. He also advocated civil disobedience (much like we are seeing today). He advocated deception and community organizing to destroy our republic and the Christian principles the USA was founded on. Here is Alinsky’s dedication of his book Rules for Radicals “Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history… the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer.”
One leader who he mentored and greatly influenced was Hillary Clinton. She will carry on with what he taught her if elected as President. Saulinsky put a strong emphasis on lying and deception to bring about change. Proverbs 29:12 says If a ruler pays attention to lies, All his servants become wicked.
There is a diabolical plan to remove God and Christianity from this country. What will we do about it? Generations to come will look at this time in history and ask what we did to stop this diabolical plan to rob America of it’s Christian heritage. Did we sit back and do nothing or did we take a humble courageous stand like our early founders did?
It is time for believers to rise up with authority, boldness, miracles and humility like Jesus, George Washington and our early founders walked in and take our country back, to the Christian heritage our nation was founded on. Our nation’s early leaders were not self serving. They were humble, full of integrity, courageous, not ashamed to admit their dependence on and relationship with Christ. We can turn this nation around for Christ if we rise up with humility and courage like our leader Jesus! 1 John 2:6 says He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked. Statistics show in David Barton’s book Separation of Church and State it is already happening in our schools and other places of society as believers are rising up to take this nation back.
Charles Finney was a lawyer who had a powerful baptism in the Holy Spirit, a divine encounter that caused him to discontinue his law practice and plead the cause of Christ. He was used powerfully to bring a great awakening to America in the 1800’s. So many Christian ministers were inspired by this bold evangelist who was used to turn America upside down with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I was inspired by him in the early days of ministry. Finney did not separate politics and Christianity. Here is an important quote of his regarding the believer’s responsibility in politics. The time has come that Christians must vote for honest men and take consistent ground in politics… Christians have been exceedingly guilty in this matter. But the time has come when they must act differently… Christians seem to act as if they thought God did not see what they do in politics. But I tell you He does see it – and He will bless or curse this nation according to the course they [Christians] take [in politics].
Sometimes we think the choices for who is running for elected office are not the best. Don’t take for granted the shed blood of our godly forefathers who gave us the right to vote and be involved in politics. Get informed. Sometimes we are not voting for someone as much as against diabolical evil, to limit evil in our nation. There are diabolical demonic plans for this nation. Satan and his demons use people to carry out those plans. Paul said Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices (2 Corinthians 2:11). He said in Ephesians 6: 12 says For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. We do not have to go down that path.
Billionaire Atheist George Soros is one who is controlled by demons. He has become the ultimate ‘Puppet Master’ over many nations and has propped up Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Because of his influence they are allowed to get away with many wicked things.
There is a diabolical evil wanting to control political leaders in Washington D.C., this country and also the world. If we, the Church do not rise up we are headed for extremely dark days in the near future. We need to get proactive in legislation and politics or we will begin to witness things so devastating and diabolical like we have never before experienced in this nation and around the world. It is time for the Paul Reveres to ride again, to stand up and speak out against evil trying to take over our country. If Christians make the right stand and right choices it can greatly impact the end time harvest of souls throughout the world for the better.
Proverbs 14:34 says Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people. We need to vote for righteousness. George Washington said “It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.” Embrace leaders who will embrace Christianity.
For more on this please listen to my latest teachings on this subject entitled: Restoring America’s Christian Heritage. For more on the negative Influence of Greek Philosophy on Western Christianity check out my book Overcoming Roadblocks to Healing. In Chapter 2 I deal with the negative influence of Greek philosophy as it pertains to Healings and miracles. You can also order my 2 CD series The Negative Influence of Greek Philosophy on Western Christianity.