In this book we compare the negative influence Greek philosophy has had on Western Christianity. We examine the natural/spiritual divide and other negative beliefs that came from the influence of Greek Philosophy, such as vows of poverty, views on politics, vow of chastity, views on physical suffering and extreme sovereignty. Does God have complete control of this earth? If so, why is this world so messed up? Why do so many Christians think Jesus is like Zeus?
Also available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle eBook formats!
Watch Mark talk about the book and read sample chapters here!
Why do so many American and European Christians struggle with believing for and operating in the supernatural? Many go through a lifetime and rarely if ever see a miracle or experience anything supernatural! The reason is because in the West we have been programmed to walk in and believe in the of the separation of the natural and spiritual realms.
This dogma originated around 400AD when strains of Greek philosophy mingled with Western Christianity. Many are ignorant about this influence but follow religious traditions and are influenced by a Western mindset passed down from that time period. In this book we expose the impact of Greek philosophy on Western Christianity! Were you were raised to mostly believe the religious traditions of men rather than what Jesus taught? Would you be interested in finding out where that belief came from and compare it to what the early church embraced?
In our travels worldwide, experiencing many different cultures we can see that most Western Christians are more influenced by Greek philosophy than they are by the Bible. In Part I we look at the history of Greek philosophy during the time of Jesus right up to the present. We look at leaders in Europe who were greatly influenced by Greek philosophy and brought that mentality into Western Christianity.
In this book we compare the influence of Greek philosophy on Western Christianity to what Jesus and the early church taught, so you can easily make a distinction between the two. We also examine beliefs that came from the influence of Greek Philosophy, such as vows of poverty, views on politics, vow of chastity, sex in marriage, views on physical suffering and does God have complete control of this earth! We seek to strike the proper balance and compare it all with what the scriptures say regarding these issues.
Don’t settle for a powerless Christian lifestyle when you can easily be walking in the power of Holy Spirit, affecting the atmosphere around you for the better. Sometimes we must unlearn and embrace change for the better if Holy Spirit is in it! We often have been in meetings or met people in India and Nepal who have seen Jesus face to face, seen angels and had supernatural encounters that radically transformed them. This can happen in North America and Europe with a renewed mind, that connects both the spiritual/invisible realm and physical/visible realms together as one. God is no respecter of persons (see Romans 2:11). What He does for one He can easily do for another.
“Mark Anderson did it again! We have been greatly impacted and influenced by his other great works ‘Humility the Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders’, ‘Overcoming Roadblocks to Healing’, ‘The Authority Given to Mankind’ & ‘How Big is Your Jesus’.
His newest and important book ‘The influence of Greek Philosophy on Western Christianity’ is such an eye-opener. I did not realize how much of my own thinking towards God had been negatively influenced by Greek Philosophy. This negative Greek influence can cause us to become uninvolved and quite powerless.
This book uncovers the roots of this improper Greek philosophy, wrongly separating of the physical & spiritual realm, an incorrect understanding of the sovereignty of God, and many topics influenced by these major Greek philosophy beliefs. I am so glad for this book! It is so helpful to understand the correct way to see how we are to be properly connected to both the spiritual and physical realm. That not all things that happen good and bad are God’s sovereign will. As believers we are called and empowered to bring real change to bad situations.
Mark explains in this time of COVID-19 crisis it is so important to realize our hope is not to just barely survive. No! It is a time for the church to arise and shine and to administer hope, supernatural healing, and to bring answers from the spiritual realm to affect the natural world. May this book change your life and those around you!”
– Jason Chin, Founder of Love Says Go Ministries International
Author Love Says Go book & Love Says Go Academy
“Mark Anderson does another great job of taking down strongholds that hold the church back from being all that God has called us to be! This book is for anyone who desires to grow spiritually and wants blindspots in their life gone! I also recommend Mark’s other books as well.”
– Paul Rapley www.paulrapley.com
“In his book, The Influence of Greek Philosophy in Western Christianity, Mark Anderson exposes a wrong belief system which has kept so many believers in bondage. Mark reveals how years of erroneous teaching about the sovereignty of God will interfere with your destiny. This is a must read for those in search of answers for spiritual problems they may be facing.”
– Pastor Jordan Work Senior Pastor Bethany Christian Fellowship Billings, Montana, USA
“I highly recommend Mark’s book The Influence of Greek Philosophy on Western Christianity it gives the average reader a look into how the mindset of the Church has developed over the years. It is insightful and intriguing. It will help people to see how God intended for us to interpret and use scripture and the gifts.”
– Jim Rogers President Experiencing His Presence Ministries
“Mark Anderson has it Dialed In! If you were the devil what would you do to keep Christians, the Army of God, confused, stymied, and largely ineffective? Feed into their belief system false information about God and His clear cut will for the human race. Attribute to God and His will, things that are actually coming from Satan and his will and make it seem very reasonable, plausible, and acceptable so that multitudes would accept what’s coming from hell as the sovereign will of God. Make sure these fallacies were passed on for generation after generation so that they can be firmly established and hard to uproot.
In his new book Mark Anderson has focused on shedding light upon the heart, character, and will of God, as well as exposing the roots of long held religious beliefs in the Christian Church that have bound so many people for way too long.
Get out your Bible, your highlighter, and get ready to pull out a lot of spiritual weeds that have kept your life from being as beautiful and enjoyable as God has always intended it to be; and as the Truth makes you free you are going to be able to help set others free as well!”
– Pastor Steve C Shank, Conference speaker, Author, and Founder of City on the Hill Ministries and Confirming the Word Church Based Bible Training
SteveCShank.com | Confirmingtheword.org
America’s foundation has been eroding at a rapid pace. One major reason for this eroding is we forgot our godly heritage and history. There is a disconnect between the average Christian and politics. How did this occur? In this book Mark shares how we can restore this great land. If Christians ignore the political realm, diabolical evil, like marxism, atheism, perversion sets itself up to fill that void.
Jesus warned His close disciples, of the negative fruit of the religious spirit. How much more do we need to heed the Master’s warning today and guard our hearts from an ungodly religious attitude or religious spirit? This is a study of Mark 7:1-13!
Learn about your God-given authority, also how to recognize religious traditions of man that have kept believers powerless and avoid them. God is not the author of both good and evil? Does God bring calamities on mankind? Extreme sovereignty versus using your authority! Learn how to operate with your God-given authority to release the miracle working power of Christ.
How big is your Jesus? How big or small your revelation of Jesus is in every area of your life, will determine the quality of life you live. Your revelation of Jesus, who He is and what He can do through and for you, is key to success in life and ministry. In this book you will learn how to get Jesus BIG in every area of your life. To get Him big in your life comes down to what and who you focus on.