Religion or Relationship: Which One Do You Want? teaches what is the difference between religion or the religious spirit versus relationship. It also teaches about coming out of man made boxes and how to live a life of integrity and humility where the glory of God will manifest in signs, wonders and miracles. This is a sequel to my book Humility: the Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders.
Now also available as an eBook on Amazon Kindle!
This book is a sequel to my book Humility: the Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders.
Religion or Relationship: Which One Do You Want? teaches what is the difference between religion or the religious spirit versus relationship with God. It covers many testimonies of undeniable miracles and healings when the Glory of God comes in the midst. Also about coming out of man made boxes. How the religious spirit has affected the church, society, politics, etc in a very negative way. How to live a life of integrity and avoid false doctrine. Also how to be motivated through purpose and vision.
“I often wonder if religion is the enemy of God. It’s almost like religion is what happens when the Spirit has left the building.” – Bono U2 Band
Mark writes about the importance of having the power of God in these last days but never permitting our gifts to overshadow our character. Mark shares about things that hindered his call and of powerful things that greatly impacted his life. Too many moves of God have been terminated prematurely because there was much emphasis only on gifting and the power given to man but little on character. Relationship can usher in the glory of God, Heaven manifesting itself on Earth in signs, wonders and miracles like we have never seen or heard before. It’s already here!
“Mark’s new book deals with the topic that many of the church do not want to talk about. It is the way the enemy is bringing division, to keep the church from fulfilling its call. He has done an excellent job of tackling this topic and showing how to get past it and step into the call that we have. I highly recommend this book not as a quick read but it is a necessary read. I want to encourage you to look at this topic with a new set of eyes and realize what the enemy is trying to do and move forward.”
– Jim Rogers Experiencing His Presence Ministries
“Mark lives what he preaches. His relationship with God is real. His instructions on humility and living for an audience of One are manifest in his life. I have had the honor of knowing Mark for over 25 years. He is one of God’s heroes. He never quits. The call on Mark’s life keeps him moving forward. He has sacrificed year after year to carry the gospel to difficult regions of the world. As you read this book, you are bathing in words that flow from his heart—a heart that has been tested and found pure.”
– Harold Eberle President Worldcast Ministries and Publishing
“I have known Mark Anderson since he was 28 years old. He is a very no nonsense, practical, down-to-earth type of guy. That’s the kind of book you’re about to read. Jesus took the time to expose the phony, oppressive religious spirit of His day and contrasted it with the life-giving ways of His Kingdom. Nobody wants religion-everybody wants the God-kind of life! As you read Mark’s book I believe that any remnants of the religious spirit will be replaced with the Life-giving ways of King Jesus. Happy Reading!”
– Steve C Shank
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“This book helps you navigate your life between blatant pride and false humility helping you recognize what true humility looks like…The book is like a diamond in that humility is the diamond, Mark helps us see all the various facets of the diamond, and there were many, all of which I found very helpful… This is the best book I have ever read on humility, reveals the importance of humility’s relationship to spiritual breakthrough, and revival.”
– Randy Clark – Author and Founder of Global Awakening
America’s foundation has been eroding at a rapid pace. One major reason for this eroding is we forgot our godly heritage and history. There is a disconnect between the average Christian and politics. How did this occur? In this book Mark shares how we can restore this great land. If Christians ignore the political realm, diabolical evil, like marxism, atheism, perversion sets itself up to fill that void.
Jesus warned His close disciples, of the negative fruit of the religious spirit. How much more do we need to heed the Master’s warning today and guard our hearts from an ungodly religious attitude or religious spirit? This is a study of Mark 7:1-13!
Miracles and healings do not have to be rare in the life of any Spirit-filled believer. Understand your God-given authority and partner with the Holy Spirit. Christ defeated demons! You can enforce what He accomplished 2,000 years ago. Sometimes faith is a fight. Learn how to stand for what rightfully belongs to you in Christ. Learn how your words shape and affect the way you live your life. You can create an atmosphere conducive for the Holy Spirit to move in power. You can affect the invisible realm releasing Christ’s healing power in this physical realm.