Learn about your God-given authority, also how to recognize religious traditions of man that have kept believers powerless and avoid them. God is not the author of both good and evil? Does God bring calamities on mankind? Extreme sovereignty versus using your authority! Learn how to operate with your God-given authority to release the miracle working power of Christ.
Now also available as an eBook on Amazon Kindle!
Do you desire to be used by Jesus in healing and deliverance ministry? If so, this book can be a great tool to get you there. Mark has been teaching this subject for many years, all over the world. The fruit he has seen from this teaching has been amazing. Thousands have been healed and or delivered as leaders have put these principles into practice.
Learn about your God-given authority and also how to recognize religious traditions of man that have kept believers powerless and avoid them. See how the religions of mankind have have distorted Christianity.
Find answers on subjects like why did God the Creator have to come to earth? Is God the author of good and evil? Does God bring calamities on mankind? The mirror image principle: how to affect the spiritual realm and and see miracles, healings, signs and wonders on the earth. Learn how to operate with your God-given authority in partnership with Holy Spirit, knowing who you are in Christ.
Mark, I have to tell you that I’ve downloaded your new book on to my Kindle and HAVEN’T BEEN THE SAME SINCE!!!!
Truly, the truth, so well displayed in your book, has stirred my spirit beyond words. I ordered and received several copies to share with friends and those who have started the book have agreed with me that it is filled with life changing truths revealed. Very well done, Mark. I hope to have a small group study based on your book… seeing miracles and life changes. Your book will change many lives and we thank you for this wondrous book.
– Marty Peet Jackson, Wyoming
This book embraces a life that is surrendered to Jesus, coupled with powerful grace. Mark takes a simple, theological vantage point as he discusses the authority God has happily given to people so they might co-labor with him. The Authority Given to Mankind ties the theology with numerous scripture references and testimonies that demonstrate the truths that are discussed. The testimonies are beautiful and powerful and fun to read! you will be blessed to see the practical demonstration of authority and emboldened to see it reproduced in your life.
– Steve Backlund, Bethel Church Redding, CA www.ignitinghope.com
Mark Anderson lives what he teaches. In his latest book, The Authority Given to Mankind, Mark creates faith in the reader with powerful testimonies, plus lays out a biblical foundation for understanding what God offers to His people. This one needs to be read by all!
– Dr. Harold R. Eberle, President Worldcast Ministries
I have known Mark for more than 30 years. In fact, I met him for the first time at a gym when I heard him crying for help as the weight he was benching was pressing down on his chest threatening to crush him. Mark is an adventurous man who is always tackling things bigger than he is. He has learned over the years the authority God gives us and has depended on the Holy Spirit to put it into practice. He has taught on this subject all over the world for the last 30 years. You will love this book which is drawn from scripture, and his own many personal experiences. It will help you to overcome!
– Pastor J.R. Polhemus, The Rock Church, Castle Rock, CO
The gospel brought from heaven by Jesus Christ is the greatest thing the earth has ever seen! It brings restoration to what’s been broken, healing to what’s been damaged, strength to what’s been weakened, and eternal life to those entrenched in darkness. Somehow, over the centuries, the church at large has lost the working knowledge of the power and authority that still lives strong in Jesus’ gospel. Mark Anderson’s new book will bring this back into focus for you! The Lord will work with you and your church, too, “confirming the Word with signs following.” Mark 16:20
– Steve C. Shank, Founding Pastor of City on the Hill Ministries and Confirming the Word Church Based Bible Schools
My husband and I, Dr. George Hill, recommend this book to each and every person who wants to receive a miracle. It is a book that will increase your faith for the supernatural. Mark Anderson has been a tool in God’s hands to heal many. The testimonies in this book are from real people who trusted a supernatural God and received their miracle! Yes, Jesus is still in the miracle business!
– Dr. Hazel Lurline Deborah Hill, VCI Missions Director www.victoryint.org
The Authority Given to Mankind has the power to transform your life and those around you. Mark has written a divine manual with a clarion call to help you inhabit your birth-right. All who give ear and heart to the revelation in this book will have the opportunity to experience the reality of his kingdom in their every day life.
– Dennis Reanier, Author of Shaking Heaven and Earth www.revivalcry.com
For the last 20 years I have watched the Lord use Mark greatly in healing ministry. Mark lives what he has written in this book every day. I would recommend this book to any believer who wants to grow in their understanding of spiritual authority.
– Pastor Ron Kingston, Cody Christian Church, Cody, WY, Founding Member of Cowboys With A Mission, Meeteetse, WY (Ron is Mark’s Pastor in Cody and a former professional bull rider)
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How big is your Jesus? How big or small your revelation of Jesus is in every area of your life, will determine the quality of life you live. Your revelation of Jesus, who He is and what He can do through and for you, is key to success in life and ministry. In this book you will learn how to get Jesus BIG in every area of your life. To get Him big in your life comes down to what and who you focus on.
“This book helps you navigate your life between blatant pride and false humility helping you recognize what true humility looks like…The book is like a diamond in that humility is the diamond, Mark helps us see all the various facets of the diamond, and there were many, all of which I found very helpful… This is the best book I have ever read on humility, reveals the importance of humility’s relationship to spiritual breakthrough, and revival.”
– Randy Clark – Author and Founder of Global Awakening
Miracles and healings do not have to be rare in the life of any Spirit-filled believer. Understand your God-given authority and partner with the Holy Spirit. Christ defeated demons! You can enforce what He accomplished 2,000 years ago. Sometimes faith is a fight. Learn how to stand for what rightfully belongs to you in Christ. Learn how your words shape and affect the way you live your life. You can create an atmosphere conducive for the Holy Spirit to move in power. You can affect the invisible realm releasing Christ’s healing power in this physical realm.
America’s foundation has been eroding at a rapid pace. One major reason for this eroding is we forgot our godly heritage and history. There is a disconnect between the average Christian and politics. How did this occur? In this book Mark shares how we can restore this great land. If Christians ignore the political realm, diabolical evil, like marxism, atheism, perversion sets itself up to fill that void.