The Pride of Man Leads to a Fall… Eventually
In this series I will bring to light things that have happened in this world, are happening today and will continue to happen in the days to come. Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall (Proverbs 16:18). How many negative incidents have occurred in this world because of the pride and ego of mankind? As we address this keep in mind not all pride is wrong. In fact there such a thing as godly pride and humility that go hand in hand. When pride leads to arrogance and elitism that is when the damage takes place. Look at the beginning of time. Genesis 3:4-5 shows us one temptation that led to the fall of mankind. It is referred to as the Pride of Life (1 John 2:16). Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” For some when pride, arrogance, lies and deception becomes a stronghold it leads towards wanting to be God, in a demonic way.
Ephesians 5:1 does tell us to “imitate God as dear children.” There is a major difference between imitating God, being a partaker of His divine nature and allowing Him to shine through us verses being one who wants control and recognition all for self. That was the main reason Lucifer (Satan) fell from heaven. He wanted to exalt his throne and influence above God (see Isaiah 14:12-16 & Ezekiel 28:11-19 & Luke 10:18). Rather than being the worship leader in heaven he wanted to be worshipped. It led to his fall. Most people think to be humble means to be insecure. That is a bi-product of pride and arrogance. Just take a look at the most insecure being in the world: Satan ( & his demons).
Adam and Eve when they wanted to be like God, fell. Mankind has been falling ever since. Pride is what caused mankind to fall in the beginning. That is why Jesus came and followed through with the greatest act of humility ever to redeem mankind (see Phillipians 2:5-11). Of all the things Jesus said he was, He saidI am meek and lowly of heart (Matthew 11:29). Humility in it’s purest form played a huge role in the redemption of mankind. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Jesus overcame the evil destructive power of pride and arrogance with the good of humility when He went to Calvary’s cross.
Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members (James 4:1)? From where does war, destruction, pain and heartache come? Much of it has it’s roots in the pride and ego of mankind. James 4:6-10 goes on to tell of the fruit of humility and downfall of pride (also 1 Peter 5:3-9). How much pain and suffering comes from the pride and ego of mankind? A lot! Obadiah verse 3 says The pride of your heart has deceived you. Some of Satan and his demon’s greatest tools against mankind is get him bound in pride, arrogance, lies, accusations and self deception. Just take a look around! Christians are not exempt as we can well see. Paul said lest Satan(& his demons) should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices. This is where I want to pick it up in part 2 and share about the effects of pride taking place in our world today and how we combat it with humility.