Humility: Bunty Encounters God and Gives His Life to Christ

Bunty- did not understand why he came to our Jesus meeting. The Holy Spirit shook him violently and his life was radically changed!
Humility Book Blog #2
I am writing this week from Himachal Pradesh State in North India. We just finished a three day outreach and leadership training in Dharamshala (home of the Dalai Lama and Buddhism). We have witnessed about 275 people turn to Christ in this indoor Jesus meeting. We witnessed Christ performing many miracles such as opening blind eyes, deaf ears and dissolving cancers.
One sign and wonder that took place was that of Bunty. He did not know why he came out the meeting. He did not believe in Jesus and he did not listen to a word I shared that night. During a mass prayer for healing and deliverance the Holy Spirit took a hold of this young boy and shook him violently. It was quite the sight to behold. He came up and testified of what happened. The next night he returned with great excitement and gave his life to Christ.
I strongly believe that in the coming wave of the Holy Spirit, God will emphasize the importance of humility to the Body of Christ. When we are in tune with humility and what He is doing (and we are about His business, not doing our own), He will confirm His word among us with many more signs, wonders, and miracles. Understanding and walking in humility will play a major role in helping followers of Jesus do what He is calling the Body of Christ to do. Jesus said that we would do everything that He did 2,000 years ago, including the miracles; He said we would do even greater works!
Jesus said Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to the Father (John 14:12). This Scripture speaks volumes about humility and the reason Jesus came. Jesus came into this world in humility, even to the extent of being born in a manger. He did not value His own ministry as superior to others or seek to “out-perform” everyone else. Rather, He encouraged His disciples that they (and we) can and should do even greater things than He did. He was the perfect example of humility. The simple fact that Jesus said we will do greater works than He did shows us that He is not in competition with us rather desires that we surpass His miracle ministry now. Through His word He is encouraging us to do greater works than He did. Why? To acquire a name for ourselves? No! For the simple reason it is about souls, not to put on a show.
When we are in competition with each other we do not desire to see people surpass us in ministry or in our gifting. Pride will want the focus to be on us. Thus we keep others from excelling and being more effective than us. Jesus was not that way. Jesus was not out to prove anything. He was out to do the will of the Father, win the lost and pass the baton to us.
We purchased your book on humillity after you visited our church in WNY. I have read the book on humillity and found it to be very refreshing. I started reading back through the book of Mathew and the importance of the fruits of the Spirit really jump out at me after completing your book. It was always stressed to me about the importance of seeking the gifts of the Spirit, but I beleive I was missing the point. I know that we are to seek first the kingdom of God, and I beleive an important part of that is walking in the fruit of the Spirit. Unless I am off base here, it looks like the gifts of the Spirit can be fully realized if Gods fruit is in full production in and through our lives.
God bless you Douglas. Glad you liked the book. It is always important to keep in mind that God does not want the gifts He gives us outgrow our character. The fruit of the Spirit is very important and a great foundation for operating effectively in the gifts of the Spirit.