Dear Pastors and leaders in Germany and Austria, if you would like us to come during this trip to your city please email us at [email protected]. We are putting the schedule for this trip together in the coming months. We will do our best to work it into our schedule.
Diekreative Church
Saturday training location Gebetshaus Dimkreative Tagundnacht
Schivelbeiner Str 7 10439
times: 10am to noon & 2pm to 5pm
Sunday: UCI Colleseum Kino 1
Schoenhauser Allee 123 10437
Berlin, Germany
Gemeindaus Dammstrasse 5 39615
Schonberg, Germany
Joel Haus Buchholzer Str. 3, 10437
Berlin, Germany
Healing Seminar
Gebetshaus Malchow, Karower Chaussee 4, 17213
Malchow, Germany
Friday, Nov 22nd at 7:30 pm
Saturday, Nov. 23rd at 10 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7:30 pm
Sunday, Nov. 24th at 10 am
Registration: Attendance with accommodation and meals on donation basis with registration before Nov 15th.
For information Email: [email protected], Tel.: +49-381-12732587, Mobile: +49-176-62928606.
Refugee Ministry
Fels in der Brandung e. V. Seminarstrasse 12 19288
Ludwigslust, Germany
Freie Evangelische Gemeinde
Industriestraße 11 23701
Eutin, Germany
Click here to see the flyer
Hutte David’s Bodensee
Oberhofer Str 6 88069
Tettnang, Germany
SALEM life Schlossstrasse 67/ 8207
Schaffhausen, Switzerland
7:30pm Wednesday December 4
10:00am Sunday December 8
4152 620 43 30
[email protected]