“This book helps you navigate your life between blatant pride and false humility helping you recognize what true humility looks like…The book is like a diamond in that humility is the diamond, Mark helps us see all the various facets of the diamond, and there were many, all of which I found very helpful… This is the best book I have ever read on humility, reveals the importance of humility’s relationship to spiritual breakthrough, and revival.”
– Randy Clark – Author and Founder of Global Awakening
“This book helps you navigate your life between blatant pride and false humility helping you recognize what true humility looks like…The book is like a diamond in that humility is the diamond, and Mark helps us see all the various facets of the diamond, and there were many, all of which I found very helpful… Humility the Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders 2nd Edition Updated and Revised, is the best book I have ever read on humility, and reveals the importance of humility’s relationship to spiritual breakthrough, and
revival.” –Randy Clark
Since the release of this book in 2010 it has had considerable impact
and transformed thousands of lives worldwide. In this revised updated
edition I have added new thoughts that I have learned and experienced
since its first release, that have produced great fruit. In our outreaches
both in India and Nepal Jesus and angels appear regularly. There is an
undeniable link between humility and the manifested presence or glory
of God invading the earth.
Christlike humility can literally help usher in the great awakening we
have longed for and help sustain it! In this book I share from a personal
knowledge the profound impact humility has had in people’s lives and
its connection to unleashing signs, wonder, miracles and healings.
In this book you will learn what humility is in its purest form and how to
get ahold of it. You will identify the difference between religious or false
humility and Christlike humility. You will apprehend between great faith
and humility. It’s one thing to hear and talk about Jesus quite another to
experience Jesus! The way we experience Jesus is by assuming his
nature of humility. Finally how do we have an enduring legacy, that
produces long lasting fruit? It is through Humility the Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders 2nd Edition Updated and Revised.
For our German speaking friends, you can order this book from Grain Press Germany at: https://www.grain-press.
Now also available as an eBook on Amazon Kindle!
Mark Anderson’s book Humility the Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders 2nd Edition Updated and Revised is a strong, biblical call to the Kingdom value of humility and its relationship to revival. The Church is being stirred to enter into a greater experience of the Kingdom of God or revival at this time. And this book is a key to being able to walk in more revelation and power.
Sometimes when a new move of the Spirit breaks out, those leading it make the mistake of losing perspective regarding what God has done in past moves. In the midst of the excitement of a fresh visitation, they say things that sound elitist or that suggest that the present move is possibly the last and greatest move of the Spirit. Humility for leaders of fresh moves of God can be tested by the excitement and wonder at His presence in their midst.
I experienced this challenge during the outpouring of the Spirit in Toronto. I think there were times when I was beginning to leave the deep channel of humility in the river of revival and floating toward the shallow waters. I became guilty of overestimating the outpouring’s significance in comparison to other moves of the past, especially when I wasn’t as knowledgeable as I should have been about those moves.
As we prepare ourselves for a fresh move and greater breakthrough of the Holy Spirit, this book can be a faithful marker giving us warnings of when our humility is getting so shallow we are about to shipwreck our faith. This book helps us navigate our lives between blatant pride and false humility, helping us recognize what true humility looks like.
A few months before I went to Toronto and God came upon us there, He spoke to me in an internal, but loud, voice. The occasion was the outpouring of His Spirit upon the annual regional pastors meeting of the denomination I was a part of at the time. This would lead to the door opening to come to Toronto. The outpouring at the regional pastors meeting was the most powerful outpouring I had ever seen at the time. In the midst of it, when my fellow pastors in ministry were coming to me desiring prayer, the Lord spoke. I will never forget the message’s meaning: “This is the most dangerous moment of your life. If you touch the glory, become proud, fail to stay humble, this anointing will destroy you.” Mark Anderson’s book has helped me to understand the significance of the warning and the reason for the warning. I thank God for warning me of the danger of pride and the importance of humility three months before the Toronto Blessing began.
Mark is an evangelist with ministry not only in the United States, but also in the nations. His story is encouraging; the thorough use of the Bible throughout the book was most helpful in realizing how important this grace is to God. Through word study, consideration of Jesus’ life, and what seemed an exhaustive biblical study on humility, Mark helps us understand what humility is and what it isn’t.
I know Mark personally and have followed his ministry through his e-mails. I see in him an author who values and practices the godly humility that he writes about. I, too, have made humility a lifelong pursuit. It is one of my most valued virtues and one of the most common petitions of my prayer life: “Keep me humble so I can receive greater grace.” Humility the Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders 2nd Edition Updated and Revised is the best book I have ever read on humility, and it reveals the importance of humility’s relationship to spiritual breakthrough and revival.
The book is like a diamond. Humility is the diamond, and Mark helps us see all the various facets of the diamond—there were many, all of which I found very helpful.
I hope this book receives the favor it deserves among the Christian community. I believe if the insights in this book are applied to our lives, there will be less division among Christians, less character attacks on others, longer periods of revival, greater grace for miracles, and more cooperation. Most importantly, the Body of Christ will look more like Jesus. We must learn how to walk in humility while at the same time being bold, confident of who we are in Christ and using our biblical authority to bring the dominion of the Kingdom to the earth. Yes, humility is compatible with boldness, confidence, and exercising of authority. Jesus modeled how to live a life of humility while exercising authority and power.
I encourage you to read and pursue the truth in Mark’s new book, Humility the Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders 2nd Edition Updated and Revised. You will be glad you did, and I believe you will be surprised by how much you learn about humility. I was.
Randy Clark
Overseer of the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening
Chancellor of the Global School of Supernatural Ministry
“I have known Mark Anderson for many years, and I could not think of a better person to address this vital topic. Mark is strong, forceful, and anointed of God, but those gifts are wrapped up in a simple, straightforward humility that really represents Jesus, Himself.”
– Peter Youngren World Impact Ministries
“I highly recommend Mark Anderson’s book to all believers—especially those who are in leadership or those who aspire to become leaders in the Lord’s work. His book is a virtual manual on the Biblical pathway to success in your Christian life and walk. Humility the Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders 2nd Edition Updated and Revised shows you how to gain God’s seal of blessing and increase on your labors.”
– Ralph Mahoney Director (Founder/President) World Map Ministry and Acts Magazine
“I highly recommend Humility the Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders 2nd Edition Updated and Revised. Mark Anderson’s writing is articulate, insightful, and profound. Mark clearly communicates the significance of humility in meaningful lasting ministry. Refreshing, inspiring, transformational.”
– Richard R Blake – Expert Author
Mark Anderson’s teaching and personal testimony is one that all who profess Jesus as Lord should read. Anderson teaches about pride, the religious spirit and how to walk in genuine humility as Jesus modeled. This is an awesome book to study and refer to often… S Augustine
This book is about humility from a very practical perspective. I have read the entire book a couple of times and I revisit specific segments as a part of my daily time of reflection. We all have blind spots in the area of pride. The book, and the Scriptures Mark Anderson selected will speak to your heart. The author is very honest while sharing his own struggles with pride. To me this is the type of book that lead us to personal and spiritual growth. No other book in the area of humility have touched me as much as this book. This is not a book to read at once. This is a book to read, stop, meditate and read again. It is what I call a heart to heart book… Olivia
I would recommend this book to all who call themselves Christian. This book with its subject of Humility hasn’t caught my attention since Andrew Murray and A.W. Tozer. What an amazing, life changing book. This is what the Lord is desiring of us, to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God and before one another… Aaron Lenz
Mark R. Anderson warns of the dangers of blatant pride and false humility in his new book “Humility the Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders 2nd Edition Updated and Revised.”
Jesus is presented as the model for true humility. The book is strong in Biblical teaching with a straightforward message regarding the benefits of humility and the mandate to pursue the “greater works” Jesus expects His followers to perform. Mark also talks about the blessing of humility and the destructive effects of pride.
Mark relates practical lessons from his own experience and ministry resulting in the miraculous intervention of God. He also shares important lessons learned in trusting God for the simplest of things.
The “Important Points to Ponder” section at the end of each chapter provides questions for further reflection, application, and discussion. Memorizing the suggested key scripture verses insure a more profound appreciation for the theme of each chapter as well as adapting and assimilating the material into practical life applications.
“Humility the Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders 2nd Edition Updated and Revised” is filled with practical keys for experiencing humility while breathing a fresh breath into your life and ministry… Richard R. Blake
When author Mark Anderson writes on the subject of humility it is really time to listen. God is blessing his ministry with regular occurrences of miracles and healings as a result of his humility. His book reveals that humility did not come natural to him and growth came from the mistakes made along the way. What Mark Anderson did, and what he encourages us to do, is to model Christ’s example set before us and cling to God’s word for strength and guidance. He definitely knows that if the body of Christ is to walk in power in signs, wonders, and miracles that humility must precede. Shared are some areas that will hinder God’s working in and through you such as:
This book will teach you the value of humility and faith working together and just how a life of humility will grant you favor. From laypeople to full time ministers- if correctly applied, this will speak to your hearts as a timely message for our day. To have just read it and agree that the principles are well said is not enough; Mark Anderson wants you to apply these nuggets so that you too, regardless of your sphere of influence, will walk in divine favor. He firmly believes that if God is not manifesting His power among us that we need to humble ourselves and search our hearts to find out why. He has provided a comprehensive look at humility with the choice being whether or not we will exercise our free will in advancing greater towards it… Valerie Caraotta
If you would like to upload this book on your Amazon Kindle please click here.
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How big is your Jesus? How big or small your revelation of Jesus is in every area of your life, will determine the quality of life you live. Your revelation of Jesus, who He is and what He can do through and for you, is key to success in life and ministry. In this book you will learn how to get Jesus BIG in every area of your life. To get Him big in your life comes down to what and who you focus on.